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Tuesday, April 12, 2011
What in hell do you want?
It's so easy to disregard spiritual things living in this world. Trust me; I get it! Kids, work, the spouse, bills, worry, illness, etc. - all these things have us so busy & bogged down that sometimes we simply have no time to think about the things we do in a day's time, let alone what will happen to us after we've died! It can be difficult to imagine death and anything worse than what we go through now, but please know, for the unbeliever - those who reject God, the torment they will suffer will be far greater than anything we can fathom!
Do you know how hard it is to sin? The bible says the way of a transgressor (sinner) is hard - Proverbs 13:15. You seriously have to work to go to hell! I mean really, when you think about it, it takes work, time, perseverance & effort to do the wrong thing. My pastor gave an example Sunday: if you are doing drugs, you gotta hide your "stash" so no one will find it & know you have it; you gotta hide for fear of getting in trouble with your parents, the police, your boss or anyone else. All that effort just for a quick high that won't last & has no fulfillment whatsoever (trust me when I tell you there are other ways of getting that euphoric exhilaration you're looking for - ways God won't be displeased with)! If you're cheating on your spouse, you have to hide your phone or emails; you have to hide gifts or receipts; you have to lie about where you're going AND go places where you won't be seen by people who know you or your spouse! It's a vicious cycle of unnecessary crap that makes life a struggle, makes living that secret or double life tedious & difficult! Why go through that? If you were honest and doing the right thing, life would be so easy! This is why the bible says the "WAGES" of sin is death (Romans 6:23)! You WORK to sin, then your pay/WAGES is death! The Message (translation) says "work hard for sin your whole life and your pension is death!"
Romans 6:20-21 says "When you were slaves to sin, you were free from the control of righteousness." Then asks this question: "What benefit did you reap at that time from the things you are now ashamed of? Then it goes on to say "Those things result in death!" In other words, think about the wrong things you do or did... what did you get out of doing those things? What do you get from doing those things? Remember, we're talking about spiritual fruitfulness, not lustful desires! Will any of that stuff get you to heaven? Are you helping someone else get to heaven? Are you doing anything you can be proud of - proud enough to share with someone? Another translation of that scripture says this (I love this one): "As long as you did what you felt like doing, ignoring God, you didn't have to bother with right thinking or right living, or right anything for that matter. But do you call that a free life? What did you get out of it? Nothing you're proud of now. Where did it get you? A dead end."
Living a Godly life is simple, peaceful & full of joy. It's a WHOLE life right now on earth with more life on the way! God's gift to us is real life, eternal life, given to us through Jesus! In Matthew 11:28-30, Jesus says "Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light." Another translation says (The Message) Are you tired? Worn out? Burned out on religion? Come to me. Get away with me and you'll recover your life. I'll show you how to take a real rest. Walk with me and work with me—watch how I do it. Learn the unforced rhythms of grace. I won't lay anything heavy or ill-fitting on you. Keep company with me and you'll learn to live freely and lightly." No, everyday won't be peaches & cream! Yes, you will cry & have some struggles BUT the difference is that you will have God working for you, on your behalf in all things! Wouldn't you rather go through a situation KNOWING beyond the shadow of ALL doubt that you will be victorious when it's over because you are a child of the Most High OR will you just take your chances & hope things work out (you can't pray about it because unless you are truly repenting for your wrong doing, God ain't listening to you)? We know that, in all things, God works for the good of THOSE WHO LOVE HIM, who have been called according to his purpose (Romans 8:28). Why not let God work it out for you? Why struggle on your own, only to end up defeated anyway? John 10:10 says that satan comes to steal, kill & destroy - destroy means annihilate, put out of existence, rip to shreds, vanquish, completely get rid of; he ain't playing with you! John 10:10 also says that Jesus comes not only to give life, but to give abundant life - abundant means ample, plenty, full, blessed!
God wants you to know that He loves you & you do NOT have to live a life full of sin that leads you to even more destruction when this life is over - AND IT WILL END! Don't be left caught up in Revelation 20 which speaks of the unbelievers being cast into the lake of fire WITH satan! If you're not serving God, you are serving the devil whether you believe it or not - Matthew 6:24 & John 8:44, 14:6-7, 15, 23-24, so choose WHOM YOU WILL SERVE (Joshua 24:15)! Once more I ask: "WHAT IN HELL DO YOU WANT?"
*Photo credit: http://www.apuritansmind.com/
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