Wednesday, August 18, 2010

How stupid can we be?

I caught a glimpse of this scripture this morning in my co-workers Bible on her desk. It's funny - and I mean "LOL" funny - because I've seen the scripture before but NEVER in this translation! It simply read: 

"Lord, you know how stupid I am and you are aware of all my sins." ~ Psalms 69:5

I walked away, shook my head & laughed because there are a countless number of stupid things we do just in a day's time, not even a lifetime! We, most times, do them without thinking - I mean just plain 'ol stupid crap... things that make no sense... things we didn't have to do or say... things, that when we think back on what we did, we can't even give a reason for what we were thinking when we did them!

It's amazing because if you think about it, ONLY God knows how truly stupid we are lol! Your co-worker or friend, cousin or even parents may not see a problem with what we do. They may even help us justify our faults without realizing they are doing so, which doesn't help at all! We may not even see a problem with something we did or said or thought even. That's why when we pray, we have to ask for forgiveness for that which we are aware of AND that which we may not realize was wrong. But at the same time, we have to pray for revelation so God can reveal the wrongdoing so we don't have to keep asking to be forgiven for the same thing. We need to be able to ask for forgiveness then move on, not keep doing the same thing over & over. How stupid is that ;-)

Prayer: Lord, my God you know how stupid I can be most times! You know all my faults & shortcomings. Against you & you alone, have I sinned. Please forgive me for my misgivings. Renew my mind, cleanse my heart & refresh my spirit. Help me to make the right choices, Lord, even in my daily activities. Open my eyes, ears & heart so that I may know Your will for my life and that I may follow only You. In Jesus' name ~ Amen

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